Redesigned from August 11th | Online Clothing Store in Japan

Redesigned from August 11th | Online Clothing Store in Japan

Redesigned from August 11th | Online Clothing Store in Japan

 Redesigned from August 11th | Online Clothing Store in Japan

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NEWS | Online Shopping Fashion Store in Japan TRENDYJAPAN

About Harajuku Fashion Culture | Online Clothing Store in Japan (

 We have already contacted you, but we are currently reviewing the design of each product in preparation for a pop-up event at Harajuku, Tokyo's fashion mecca on September 17th.

The products that changed on August 11th are as follows. 

The change is the "front print logo". Overlaid with the torii of a Japanese shrine and the "TrendyJapan" katakana design, we brought the logo above the left chest. Please refer to the photos below. 

 Redesigned from August 11th | Online Clothing Store in Japan

There's a reason why TrendyJapan doesn't make this series into a single product in black and white. In fact, the back print design and the color of the logo are different, so we have created a separate product page for each product. 

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On this renewal product page, we also post videos that introduce the manufacturing process and brand products used. Also, we have added an explanation for print-on-demand, so we hope that it will help you when you make a purchase. 

From August 12th, we will redesign several items and introduce them. In addition, since there is a possibility of changing the materials used, we will introduce the same in that case. 

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