A free gift of a PowerPoint introductory ebook from the 5th!

A free gift of a PowerPoint introductory ebook from the 5th!

A free gift of a PowerPoint introductory ebook from the 5th!



For more details, Click HERE! 

A free gift of a PowerPoint introductory ebook from the 5th!



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The sixth ebook sales of the new business project have already started! 


Please see below for details. 


1. ebook Title: PowerPoint Introductory Bible

2. ebook Subtitle: Three rules for creating effective materials for a successful presentation!



For more details, Click HERE! 

A free gift of a PowerPoint introductory ebook from the 5th!



3. Sales place: Amazon Japan Kindle Store

4. Price: 469 JPY

5. Release date: Saturday, March 4th around 3:00 PM Japan time

6. Campaign: Free download for 5 days from 5:00 PM the day after the release date to around 4:59 PM 5 days later!

7. Writing language: Japanese 


You who want to learn the minimum power point skill as a member of society.


You want to be a human resource who can use PowerPoint immediately and be appointed as an immediate force.


I have successfully delivered many presentations using PowerPoint materials, and I have compiled the basic techniques of PowerPoint creation that I have cultivated through my more than 10 years of working experience as an introductory ebook.


It is the completion of a true PowerPoint creation technical guide backed by the experience of presentations using PowerPoint many times. 


"I've made various materials with PowerPoint, but I haven't received a very good evaluation." I will teach you the how-to for such "PowerPoint creation beginners" and "those who want to review the basic knowledge of PowerPoint"!


A must-see ebook for those who have challenged several business negotiations and presentations.


By learning the basic knowledge and functions of PowerPoint in this book, let's dispel the anxiety of creating materials and make your "presentation" a success!


If you have any questions about this book, please contact us using the inquiry form below.  


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Click on the book image to see product details!  


I hope that this ebook will be of help to you! 



