How to open our fashion blog | Online Clothing Store TRENDYJAPAN
How to open our fashion blog | Online Clothing Store TRENDYJAPAN
Related Blogs and News:
The affiliate blog has been very well received until now, but this time we have opened it as an external site with the following details.
2. Purpose: Affiliate Blog
3. Contents: Introducing products that are popular in Japan today through apparel
4. Affiliate: US Amazon, Amazon Japan, own affiliate
In addition, we have set it so that you can access to an external blog site from our EC site "Site Map", "Blog", and "Footer".
a. Site map: Follow the steps below.
b. Blog: Follow the steps below.
c. Footer: Follow the steps below.
That is all.
We know that there were many affiliates blog fans, so we will introduce them on this external affiliate blog site in the future.
We look forward to working with our TrendyJapan.net along with our external affiliate blog site.
-----------------------Benefit Info from TrendyJapan---------------
Thank you for using TrendyJapan.net at all times. This time, we have opened a fashion affiliate blog site of TrendyJapan.net outside. TrendyJapan.net has been registered as an Amazon Affiliate in the United States and Japan since the beginning of this year. Also, based on the fact that the number of affiliate introduction articles viewed on the Shopify blog site was very large, we have opened a special affiliate blog site outside. From now on, you will be able to read affiliate articles only here. To commemorate this, we will give a 5% off coupon for all TrendyJapan.net products to those who follow the TrendyJapan.net FASHION BLOG site. We look forward to welcoming you!