UPDATED: Popular products are now on sale in Japan | Online Clothing

UPDATED: Popular products are now on sale in Japan | Online Clothing

UPDATED: Popular products are now on sale in Japan | Online Clothing

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TrendyJapan.net will start selling popular products in Japan with the following details.

Supplier: AliExpress and others
Manufacturer: China and other countries
Sales start: May 15th from 11:30am Japan time
App Company: Dropshipman
Reason for sale: Due to the depreciation of the yen and high prices, the price range can be suppressed as much as possible and the burden of transportation costs can be reduced. (Expansion of countries eligible for free shipping)
Delivery time: Please check the delivery details (Other supplier column) on each product page as it depends on the delivery destination.

TrendyJapan.net have already completed the first data acquisition and are currently translating products at a rapid pace. Depending on the completion of the translation work, sales may start early, so please wait for a while.

TrendyJapan.net will contact you again on this news page for the latest information.


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